为 Django 做贡献¶
- Join the Django forum. This forum is a place for discussing the Django framework and applications and projects that use it. This is also a good place to ask and answer any questions related to installing, using, or contributing to Django.
- Join the django-users mailing list and answer questions. This mailing list has a huge audience, and we really want to maintain a friendly and helpful atmosphere. If you're new to the Django community, you should read the posting guidelines.
- 加入Freenode上的`#django IRC频道`并回答问题。通过向其他用户讲解Django,你会学到关于这个框架的很多知识。
- 关于Django的博客。我们将所有我们知道的Django博客全部放在在 "社区页面 "上;如果想让你的博客出现在该页面上,你可以在这里 "注册"。
- 贡献给开源的Django项目,写一些文档,或者把自己的代码作为一个开源的可插拔应用程序发布。可插拔应用的生态系统是Django的一大优势,请帮助我们构建它吧!
- Report bugs in our ticket tracker.
- Join the django-developers mailing list and share your ideas for how to improve Django. We're always open to suggestions. You can also interact on the #django-dev IRC channel.
- Submit patches for new and/or fixed behavior. If you're looking for a way to get started contributing to Django read the 编写你的第一个 Django 补丁 tutorial and have a look at the easy pickings tickets. The Patch review checklist will also be helpful.
- Improve the documentation or write unit tests.
- :doc:`Triage tickets和review补丁<triaging-tickets>`由其他用户创建。