Contribuindo com o Django

Django is a community that lives on its volunteers. As it keeps growing, we always need more people to help others. You can contribute in many ways, either on the framework itself or in the wider ecosystem.

Communication channels

We’re passionate about helping Django users make the jump to contributing members of the community. Communication is key - working on Django is being part of a conversation. Join it, to become familiar with what we’re doing and how we talk about it. You’ll be able to form relationships with more experienced contributors who are there to help guide you towards success.

Join the Django community

There are several ways you can help the Django community and others to maintain a great ecosystem to work in:

  • Join the Django forum. This forum is a place for discussing the Django framework and applications and projects that use it. This is also a good place to ask and answer any questions related to installing, using, or contributing to Django.

  • Entre na lista de email django-users e responda as dúvidas. Essa lista de email tem uma imensa audiência, e nós realmente gostaríamos de manter uma atmosfera amigável e solidária. Se você é novo na comunidade Django, você deve ler as posting guidelines.

  • Join the Django Discord server to discuss and answer questions. By explaining Django to other users, you’re going to learn a lot about the framework yourself.

  • Escreva um blog sobre o Django. Todos os blogs sobre Django que nós conhecemos estão relacionados na community page; Se você gostaria de ver o seu blog lá você pode register it here.

  • Contribua com projetos open-source Django, escreva alguma documentação, ou disponibilize seu próprio código como uma aplicação open-source plugável. O ecosistema de aplicações plugáveis é uma grande força do Django, ajude nos a contrui-lo!

Getting started

Django encourages and welcomes new contributors, and makes an effort to help them become experienced, confident contributors to Open Source Software (OSS). Our documentation contains guidance for first-time contributors, including:

Work on the Django framework

If you enjoy working with Django, wait until you start working on it. Really, anyone can do something to improve Django, which will improve the experience of lots of people!

The work on Django itself falls into three major areas:

Contributing code

Fix a bug, or add a new feature. You can make a pull request and see your code in the next version of Django.

Contributing documentation

Django’s documentation is one of its key strengths. It’s informative and thorough. You can help to improve the documentation and keep it relevant as the framework evolves.

Localizando Django

Django is translated into over 100 languages - There’s even some translation for Klingon?! The i18n team is always looking for translators to help maintain and increase language reach.

Other ways of contributing

Explore additional avenues of contributing to Django beyond coding. Django’s ticket tracker is the central hub for managing issues, improvements, and contributions to Django. It’s a valuable resource where you can report bugs you encounter or assist in triaging existing tickets to ensure a smooth development workflow. Explore the ways you can make a difference below, and join us in making Django better for everyone.

We’re looking forward to working with you. Welcome aboard!

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