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Code source de django.contrib.contenttypes.fields

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import defaultdict

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core import checks
from django.core.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist, ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, connection, models, router, transaction
from django.db.models import DO_NOTHING, signals
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignObject, ForeignObjectRel
from django.db.models.query_utils import PathInfo
from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible, smart_text

[docs]class GenericForeignKey(object): """ Provides a generic relation to any object through content-type/object-id fields. """ # Field flags auto_created = False concrete = False editable = False hidden = False is_relation = True many_to_many = False many_to_one = True one_to_many = False one_to_one = False related_model = None # For backwards compatibility; ignored as of Django 1.8.4. allow_unsaved_instance_assignment = False def __init__(self, ct_field="content_type", fk_field="object_id", for_concrete_model=True): self.ct_field = ct_field self.fk_field = fk_field self.for_concrete_model = for_concrete_model self.editable = False self.rel = None self.column = None def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name, **kwargs): self.name = name self.model = cls self.cache_attr = "_%s_cache" % name cls._meta.add_field(self, virtual=True) # Only run pre-initialization field assignment on non-abstract models if not cls._meta.abstract: signals.pre_init.connect(self.instance_pre_init, sender=cls) setattr(cls, name, self) def __str__(self): model = self.model app = model._meta.app_label return '%s.%s.%s' % (app, model._meta.object_name, self.name) def check(self, **kwargs): errors = [] errors.extend(self._check_field_name()) errors.extend(self._check_object_id_field()) errors.extend(self._check_content_type_field()) return errors def _check_field_name(self): if self.name.endswith("_"): return [ checks.Error( 'Field names must not end with an underscore.', hint=None, obj=self, id='fields.E001', ) ] else: return [] def _check_object_id_field(self): try: self.model._meta.get_field(self.fk_field) except FieldDoesNotExist: return [ checks.Error( "The GenericForeignKey object ID references the non-existent field '%s'." % self.fk_field, hint=None, obj=self, id='contenttypes.E001', ) ] else: return [] def _check_content_type_field(self): """ Check if field named `field_name` in model `model` exists and is valid content_type field (is a ForeignKey to ContentType). """ try: field = self.model._meta.get_field(self.ct_field) except FieldDoesNotExist: return [ checks.Error( "The GenericForeignKey content type references the non-existent field '%s.%s'." % ( self.model._meta.object_name, self.ct_field ), hint=None, obj=self, id='contenttypes.E002', ) ] else: if not isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey): return [ checks.Error( "'%s.%s' is not a ForeignKey." % ( self.model._meta.object_name, self.ct_field ), hint=( "GenericForeignKeys must use a ForeignKey to " "'contenttypes.ContentType' as the 'content_type' field." ), obj=self, id='contenttypes.E003', ) ] elif field.rel.to != ContentType: return [ checks.Error( "'%s.%s' is not a ForeignKey to 'contenttypes.ContentType'." % ( self.model._meta.object_name, self.ct_field ), hint=( "GenericForeignKeys must use a ForeignKey to " "'contenttypes.ContentType' as the 'content_type' field." ), obj=self, id='contenttypes.E004', ) ] else: return [] def instance_pre_init(self, signal, sender, args, kwargs, **_kwargs): """ Handles initializing an object with the generic FK instead of content-type/object-id fields. """ if self.name in kwargs: value = kwargs.pop(self.name) if value is not None: kwargs[self.ct_field] = self.get_content_type(obj=value) kwargs[self.fk_field] = value._get_pk_val() else: kwargs[self.ct_field] = None kwargs[self.fk_field] = None def get_content_type(self, obj=None, id=None, using=None): if obj is not None: return ContentType.objects.db_manager(obj._state.db).get_for_model( obj, for_concrete_model=self.for_concrete_model) elif id is not None: return ContentType.objects.db_manager(using).get_for_id(id) else: # This should never happen. I love comments like this, don't you? raise Exception("Impossible arguments to GFK.get_content_type!") def get_prefetch_queryset(self, instances, queryset=None): if queryset is not None: raise ValueError("Custom queryset can't be used for this lookup.") # For efficiency, group the instances by content type and then do one # query per model fk_dict = defaultdict(set) # We need one instance for each group in order to get the right db: instance_dict = {} ct_attname = self.model._meta.get_field(self.ct_field).get_attname() for instance in instances: # We avoid looking for values if either ct_id or fkey value is None ct_id = getattr(instance, ct_attname) if ct_id is not None: fk_val = getattr(instance, self.fk_field) if fk_val is not None: fk_dict[ct_id].add(fk_val) instance_dict[ct_id] = instance ret_val = [] for ct_id, fkeys in fk_dict.items(): instance = instance_dict[ct_id] ct = self.get_content_type(id=ct_id, using=instance._state.db) ret_val.extend(ct.get_all_objects_for_this_type(pk__in=fkeys)) # For doing the join in Python, we have to match both the FK val and the # content type, so we use a callable that returns a (fk, class) pair. def gfk_key(obj): ct_id = getattr(obj, ct_attname) if ct_id is None: return None else: model = self.get_content_type(id=ct_id, using=obj._state.db).model_class() return (model._meta.pk.get_prep_value(getattr(obj, self.fk_field)), model) return (ret_val, lambda obj: (obj._get_pk_val(), obj.__class__), gfk_key, True, self.cache_attr) def is_cached(self, instance): return hasattr(instance, self.cache_attr) def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None): if instance is None: return self try: return getattr(instance, self.cache_attr) except AttributeError: rel_obj = None # Make sure to use ContentType.objects.get_for_id() to ensure that # lookups are cached (see ticket #5570). This takes more code than # the naive ``getattr(instance, self.ct_field)``, but has better # performance when dealing with GFKs in loops and such. f = self.model._meta.get_field(self.ct_field) ct_id = getattr(instance, f.get_attname(), None) if ct_id is not None: ct = self.get_content_type(id=ct_id, using=instance._state.db) try: rel_obj = ct.get_object_for_this_type(pk=getattr(instance, self.fk_field)) except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass setattr(instance, self.cache_attr, rel_obj) return rel_obj def __set__(self, instance, value): ct = None fk = None if value is not None: ct = self.get_content_type(obj=value) fk = value._get_pk_val() setattr(instance, self.ct_field, ct) setattr(instance, self.fk_field, fk) setattr(instance, self.cache_attr, value)
[docs]class GenericRelation(ForeignObject): """Provides an accessor to generic related objects (e.g. comments)""" # Field flags auto_created = False many_to_many = False many_to_one = False one_to_many = True one_to_one = False def __init__(self, to, **kwargs): kwargs['verbose_name'] = kwargs.get('verbose_name', None) kwargs['rel'] = GenericRel( self, to, related_query_name=kwargs.pop('related_query_name', None), limit_choices_to=kwargs.pop('limit_choices_to', None), ) # Override content-type/object-id field names on the related class self.object_id_field_name = kwargs.pop("object_id_field", "object_id") self.content_type_field_name = kwargs.pop("content_type_field", "content_type") self.for_concrete_model = kwargs.pop("for_concrete_model", True) kwargs['blank'] = True kwargs['editable'] = False kwargs['serialize'] = False # This construct is somewhat of an abuse of ForeignObject. This field # represents a relation from pk to object_id field. But, this relation # isn't direct, the join is generated reverse along foreign key. So, # the from_field is object_id field, to_field is pk because of the # reverse join. super(GenericRelation, self).__init__( to, to_fields=[], from_fields=[self.object_id_field_name], **kwargs) def check(self, **kwargs): errors = super(GenericRelation, self).check(**kwargs) errors.extend(self._check_generic_foreign_key_existence()) return errors def _check_generic_foreign_key_existence(self): target = self.rel.to if isinstance(target, ModelBase): # Using `vars` is very ugly approach, but there is no better one, # because GenericForeignKeys are not considered as fields and, # therefore, are not included in `target._meta.local_fields`. fields = target._meta.virtual_fields if any(isinstance(field, GenericForeignKey) and field.ct_field == self.content_type_field_name and field.fk_field == self.object_id_field_name for field in fields): return [] else: return [ checks.Error( ("The GenericRelation defines a relation with the model " "'%s.%s', but that model does not have a GenericForeignKey.") % ( target._meta.app_label, target._meta.object_name ), hint=None, obj=self, id='contenttypes.E004', ) ] else: return [] def resolve_related_fields(self): self.to_fields = [self.model._meta.pk.name] return [(self.rel.to._meta.get_field(self.object_id_field_name), self.model._meta.pk)] def get_path_info(self): opts = self.rel.to._meta target = opts.pk return [PathInfo(self.model._meta, opts, (target,), self.rel, True, False)] def get_reverse_path_info(self): opts = self.model._meta from_opts = self.rel.to._meta return [PathInfo(from_opts, opts, (opts.pk,), self, not self.unique, False)] def get_choices_default(self): return super(GenericRelation, self).get_choices(include_blank=False) def value_to_string(self, obj): qs = getattr(obj, self.name).all() return smart_text([instance._get_pk_val() for instance in qs]) def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name, **kwargs): kwargs['virtual_only'] = True super(GenericRelation, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name, **kwargs) # Save a reference to which model this class is on for future use self.model = cls # Add the descriptor for the relation setattr(cls, self.name, ReverseGenericRelatedObjectsDescriptor(self, self.for_concrete_model)) def set_attributes_from_rel(self): pass def get_internal_type(self): return "ManyToManyField" def get_content_type(self): """ Returns the content type associated with this field's model. """ return ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.model, for_concrete_model=self.for_concrete_model) def get_extra_restriction(self, where_class, alias, remote_alias): field = self.rel.to._meta.get_field(self.content_type_field_name) contenttype_pk = self.get_content_type().pk cond = where_class() lookup = field.get_lookup('exact')(field.get_col(remote_alias), contenttype_pk) cond.add(lookup, 'AND') return cond def bulk_related_objects(self, objs, using=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS): """ Return all objects related to ``objs`` via this ``GenericRelation``. """ return self.rel.to._base_manager.db_manager(using).filter(**{ "%s__pk" % self.content_type_field_name: ContentType.objects.db_manager(using).get_for_model( self.model, for_concrete_model=self.for_concrete_model).pk, "%s__in" % self.object_id_field_name: [obj.pk for obj in objs] })
class ReverseGenericRelatedObjectsDescriptor(object): """ This class provides the functionality that makes the related-object managers available as attributes on a model class, for fields that have multiple "remote" values and have a GenericRelation defined in their model (rather than having another model pointed *at* them). In the example "article.publications", the publications attribute is a ReverseGenericRelatedObjectsDescriptor instance. """ def __init__(self, field, for_concrete_model=True): self.field = field self.for_concrete_model = for_concrete_model def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None): if instance is None: return self # Dynamically create a class that subclasses the related model's # default manager. rel_model = self.field.rel.to superclass = rel_model._default_manager.__class__ RelatedManager = create_generic_related_manager(superclass) qn = connection.ops.quote_name content_type = ContentType.objects.db_manager(instance._state.db).get_for_model( instance, for_concrete_model=self.for_concrete_model) join_cols = self.field.get_joining_columns(reverse_join=True)[0] manager = RelatedManager( model=rel_model, instance=instance, source_col_name=qn(join_cols[0]), target_col_name=qn(join_cols[1]), content_type=content_type, content_type_field_name=self.field.content_type_field_name, object_id_field_name=self.field.object_id_field_name, prefetch_cache_name=self.field.attname, ) return manager def __set__(self, instance, value): # Force evaluation of `value` in case it's a queryset whose # value could be affected by `manager.clear()`. Refs #19816. value = tuple(value) manager = self.__get__(instance) db = router.db_for_write(manager.model, instance=manager.instance) with transaction.atomic(using=db, savepoint=False): manager.clear() for obj in value: manager.add(obj) def create_generic_related_manager(superclass): """ Factory function for a manager that subclasses 'superclass' (which is a Manager) and adds behavior for generic related objects. """ class GenericRelatedObjectManager(superclass): def __init__(self, model=None, instance=None, symmetrical=None, source_col_name=None, target_col_name=None, content_type=None, content_type_field_name=None, object_id_field_name=None, prefetch_cache_name=None): super(GenericRelatedObjectManager, self).__init__() self.model = model self.content_type = content_type self.symmetrical = symmetrical self.instance = instance self.source_col_name = source_col_name self.target_col_name = target_col_name self.content_type_field_name = content_type_field_name self.object_id_field_name = object_id_field_name self.prefetch_cache_name = prefetch_cache_name self.pk_val = self.instance._get_pk_val() self.core_filters = { '%s__pk' % content_type_field_name: content_type.id, '%s' % object_id_field_name: instance._get_pk_val(), } def __call__(self, **kwargs): # We use **kwargs rather than a kwarg argument to enforce the # `manager='manager_name'` syntax. manager = getattr(self.model, kwargs.pop('manager')) manager_class = create_generic_related_manager(manager.__class__) return manager_class( model=self.model, instance=self.instance, symmetrical=self.symmetrical, source_col_name=self.source_col_name, target_col_name=self.target_col_name, content_type=self.content_type, content_type_field_name=self.content_type_field_name, object_id_field_name=self.object_id_field_name, prefetch_cache_name=self.prefetch_cache_name, ) do_not_call_in_templates = True def __str__(self): return repr(self) def get_queryset(self): try: return self.instance._prefetched_objects_cache[self.prefetch_cache_name] except (AttributeError, KeyError): db = self._db or router.db_for_read(self.model, instance=self.instance) return super(GenericRelatedObjectManager, self).get_queryset().using(db).filter(**self.core_filters) def get_prefetch_queryset(self, instances, queryset=None): if queryset is None: queryset = super(GenericRelatedObjectManager, self).get_queryset() queryset._add_hints(instance=instances[0]) queryset = queryset.using(queryset._db or self._db) query = { '%s__pk' % self.content_type_field_name: self.content_type.id, '%s__in' % self.object_id_field_name: set(obj._get_pk_val() for obj in instances) } # We (possibly) need to convert object IDs to the type of the # instances' PK in order to match up instances: object_id_converter = instances[0]._meta.pk.to_python return (queryset.filter(**query), lambda relobj: object_id_converter(getattr(relobj, self.object_id_field_name)), lambda obj: obj._get_pk_val(), False, self.prefetch_cache_name) def add(self, *objs): db = router.db_for_write(self.model, instance=self.instance) with transaction.atomic(using=db, savepoint=False): for obj in objs: if not isinstance(obj, self.model): raise TypeError("'%s' instance expected" % self.model._meta.object_name) setattr(obj, self.content_type_field_name, self.content_type) setattr(obj, self.object_id_field_name, self.pk_val) obj.save() add.alters_data = True def remove(self, *objs, **kwargs): if not objs: return bulk = kwargs.pop('bulk', True) self._clear(self.filter(pk__in=[o.pk for o in objs]), bulk) remove.alters_data = True def clear(self, **kwargs): bulk = kwargs.pop('bulk', True) self._clear(self, bulk) clear.alters_data = True def _clear(self, queryset, bulk): db = router.db_for_write(self.model, instance=self.instance) queryset = queryset.using(db) if bulk: # `QuerySet.delete()` creates its own atomic block which # contains the `pre_delete` and `post_delete` signal handlers. queryset.delete() else: with transaction.atomic(using=db, savepoint=False): for obj in queryset: obj.delete() _clear.alters_data = True def create(self, **kwargs): kwargs[self.content_type_field_name] = self.content_type kwargs[self.object_id_field_name] = self.pk_val db = router.db_for_write(self.model, instance=self.instance) return super(GenericRelatedObjectManager, self).using(db).create(**kwargs) create.alters_data = True def get_or_create(self, **kwargs): kwargs[self.content_type_field_name] = self.content_type kwargs[self.object_id_field_name] = self.pk_val db = router.db_for_write(self.model, instance=self.instance) return super(GenericRelatedObjectManager, self).using(db).get_or_create(**kwargs) get_or_create.alters_data = True def update_or_create(self, **kwargs): kwargs[self.content_type_field_name] = self.content_type kwargs[self.object_id_field_name] = self.pk_val db = router.db_for_write(self.model, instance=self.instance) return super(GenericRelatedObjectManager, self).using(db).update_or_create(**kwargs) update_or_create.alters_data = True return GenericRelatedObjectManager class GenericRel(ForeignObjectRel): def __init__(self, field, to, related_name=None, limit_choices_to=None, related_query_name=None): super(GenericRel, self).__init__(field=field, to=to, related_name=related_query_name or '+', limit_choices_to=limit_choices_to, on_delete=DO_NOTHING, related_query_name=related_query_name)
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