为 Django 做贡献¶
Django 是一个依靠志愿者共同维护的社区。随着它的不断发展,我们始终需要更多的人来帮助他人。您可以通过多种方式做出贡献,无论是对框架本身还是更广泛的生态系统。
We're passionate about helping Django users make the jump to contributing members of the community. Communication is key - working on Django is being part of a conversation. Join it, to become familiar with what we're doing and how we talk about it. You'll be able to form relationships with more experienced contributors who are there to help guide you towards success.
加入 Django 社区¶
有几种方法可以帮助 Django 社区和其他人维护一个良好的生态:
加入“Django论坛”。这个论坛是讨论Django框架以及使用它的应用程序和项目的地方。这也是询问和回答与安装、使用或为 Django 贡献相关的任何问题的好地方。
加入| django users |邮件列表并回答问题。这个邮件列表有大量的读者,我们真的想保持一个友好和有益的气氛。如果你是Django社区的新手,你应该阅读 posting guidelines。
Join the Django Discord server to discuss and answer questions. By explaining Django to other users, you're going to learn a lot about the framework yourself.
关于Django的博客。我们将所有我们知道的Django博客全部放在在 "社区页面 "上;如果想让你的博客出现在该页面上,你可以在这里 "注册"。
Django 鼓励并欢迎新的贡献者,并努力帮助他们成为经验丰富、自信的开源软件(OSS)贡献者。我们的文档包含对首次贡献者的指导,包括:
Django 框架的工作¶
If you enjoy working with Django, wait until you start working on it. Really, anyone can do something to improve Django, which will improve the experience of lots of people!
Django 的工作主要有三个方面:
修复一个错误,或添加一个新功能。你可以发出一个拉取请求,并在 Django 的下一个版本中查看 your code 。
Django 的文档是其重要优势之一。它信息丰富而全面。您可以帮助改进文档,并在框架发展过程中使其保持相关性。
使 Django 本地化¶
Django 已经被翻译成 100 多种语言——甚至还有一些克林贡语的翻译?国际化团队始终在寻找翻译人员,以帮助维护和扩大语言覆盖范围。
Explore additional avenues of contributing to Django beyond coding. Django's ticket tracker is the central hub for managing issues, improvements, and contributions to Django. It's a valuable resource where you can report bugs you encounter or assist in triaging existing tickets to ensure a smooth development workflow. Explore the ways you can make a difference below, and join us in making Django better for everyone.
We're looking forward to working with you. Welcome aboard!