Código fonte para django.contrib.gis.geos.prototypes.io
import threading
from ctypes import POINTER, Structure, byref, c_char, c_char_p, c_int, c_size_t
from django.contrib.gis.geos.base import GEOSBase
from django.contrib.gis.geos.libgeos import GEOM_PTR, GEOSFuncFactory
from django.contrib.gis.geos.prototypes.errcheck import (
check_geom, check_sized_string, check_string,
from django.contrib.gis.geos.prototypes.geom import c_uchar_p, geos_char_p
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
# ### The WKB/WKT Reader/Writer structures and pointers ###
class WKTReader_st(Structure):
class WKTWriter_st(Structure):
class WKBReader_st(Structure):
class WKBWriter_st(Structure):
# WKTReader routines
wkt_reader_create = GEOSFuncFactory('GEOSWKTReader_create', restype=WKT_READ_PTR)
wkt_reader_destroy = GEOSFuncFactory('GEOSWKTReader_destroy', argtypes=[WKT_READ_PTR])
wkt_reader_read = GEOSFuncFactory(
'GEOSWKTReader_read', argtypes=[WKT_READ_PTR, c_char_p], restype=GEOM_PTR, errcheck=check_geom
# WKTWriter routines
wkt_writer_create = GEOSFuncFactory('GEOSWKTWriter_create', restype=WKT_WRITE_PTR)
wkt_writer_destroy = GEOSFuncFactory('GEOSWKTWriter_destroy', argtypes=[WKT_WRITE_PTR])
wkt_writer_write = GEOSFuncFactory(
'GEOSWKTWriter_write', argtypes=[WKT_WRITE_PTR, GEOM_PTR], restype=geos_char_p, errcheck=check_string
wkt_writer_get_outdim = GEOSFuncFactory(
'GEOSWKTWriter_getOutputDimension', argtypes=[WKT_WRITE_PTR], restype=c_int
wkt_writer_set_outdim = GEOSFuncFactory(
'GEOSWKTWriter_setOutputDimension', argtypes=[WKT_WRITE_PTR, c_int]
wkt_writer_set_trim = GEOSFuncFactory('GEOSWKTWriter_setTrim', argtypes=[WKT_WRITE_PTR, c_char])
wkt_writer_set_precision = GEOSFuncFactory('GEOSWKTWriter_setRoundingPrecision', argtypes=[WKT_WRITE_PTR, c_int])
# WKBReader routines
wkb_reader_create = GEOSFuncFactory('GEOSWKBReader_create', restype=WKB_READ_PTR)
wkb_reader_destroy = GEOSFuncFactory('GEOSWKBReader_destroy', argtypes=[WKB_READ_PTR])
class WKBReadFunc(GEOSFuncFactory):
# Although the function definitions take `const unsigned char *`
# as their parameter, we use c_char_p here so the function may
# take Python strings directly as parameters. Inside Python there
# is not a difference between signed and unsigned characters, so
# it is not a problem.
argtypes = [WKB_READ_PTR, c_char_p, c_size_t]
restype = GEOM_PTR
errcheck = staticmethod(check_geom)
wkb_reader_read = WKBReadFunc('GEOSWKBReader_read')
wkb_reader_read_hex = WKBReadFunc('GEOSWKBReader_readHEX')
# WKBWriter routines
wkb_writer_create = GEOSFuncFactory('GEOSWKBWriter_create', restype=WKB_WRITE_PTR)
wkb_writer_destroy = GEOSFuncFactory('GEOSWKBWriter_destroy', argtypes=[WKB_WRITE_PTR])
# WKB Writing prototypes.
class WKBWriteFunc(GEOSFuncFactory):
argtypes = [WKB_WRITE_PTR, GEOM_PTR, POINTER(c_size_t)]
restype = c_uchar_p
errcheck = staticmethod(check_sized_string)
wkb_writer_write = WKBWriteFunc('GEOSWKBWriter_write')
wkb_writer_write_hex = WKBWriteFunc('GEOSWKBWriter_writeHEX')
# WKBWriter property getter/setter prototypes.
class WKBWriterGet(GEOSFuncFactory):
argtypes = [WKB_WRITE_PTR]
restype = c_int
class WKBWriterSet(GEOSFuncFactory):
argtypes = [WKB_WRITE_PTR, c_int]
wkb_writer_get_byteorder = WKBWriterGet('GEOSWKBWriter_getByteOrder')
wkb_writer_set_byteorder = WKBWriterSet('GEOSWKBWriter_setByteOrder')
wkb_writer_get_outdim = WKBWriterGet('GEOSWKBWriter_getOutputDimension')
wkb_writer_set_outdim = WKBWriterSet('GEOSWKBWriter_setOutputDimension')
wkb_writer_get_include_srid = WKBWriterGet('GEOSWKBWriter_getIncludeSRID', restype=c_char)
wkb_writer_set_include_srid = WKBWriterSet('GEOSWKBWriter_setIncludeSRID', argtypes=[WKB_WRITE_PTR, c_char])
# ### Base I/O Class ###
class IOBase(GEOSBase):
"Base class for GEOS I/O objects."
def __init__(self):
# Getting the pointer with the constructor.
self.ptr = self._constructor()
# Loading the real destructor function at this point as doing it in
# __del__ is too late (import error).
self._destructor.func = self._destructor.get_func(
*self._destructor.args, **self._destructor.kwargs
def __del__(self):
# Cleaning up with the appropriate destructor.
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
pass # Some part might already have been garbage collected
# ### Base WKB/WKT Reading and Writing objects ###
# Non-public WKB/WKT reader classes for internal use because
# their `read` methods return _pointers_ instead of GEOSGeometry
# objects.
class _WKTReader(IOBase):
_constructor = wkt_reader_create
_destructor = wkt_reader_destroy
ptr_type = WKT_READ_PTR
def read(self, wkt):
if not isinstance(wkt, (bytes, six.string_types)):
raise TypeError
return wkt_reader_read(self.ptr, force_bytes(wkt))
class _WKBReader(IOBase):
_constructor = wkb_reader_create
_destructor = wkb_reader_destroy
ptr_type = WKB_READ_PTR
def read(self, wkb):
"Returns a _pointer_ to C GEOS Geometry object from the given WKB."
if isinstance(wkb, six.memoryview):
wkb_s = bytes(wkb)
return wkb_reader_read(self.ptr, wkb_s, len(wkb_s))
elif isinstance(wkb, (bytes, six.string_types)):
return wkb_reader_read_hex(self.ptr, wkb, len(wkb))
raise TypeError
# ### WKB/WKT Writer Classes ###
[documentos]class WKTWriter(IOBase):
_constructor = wkt_writer_create
_destructor = wkt_writer_destroy
ptr_type = WKT_WRITE_PTR
_trim = False
_precision = None
def __init__(self, dim=2, trim=False, precision=None):
super(WKTWriter, self).__init__()
if bool(trim) != self._trim:
self.trim = trim
if precision is not None:
self.precision = precision
self.outdim = dim
[documentos] def write(self, geom):
"Returns the WKT representation of the given geometry."
return wkt_writer_write(self.ptr, geom.ptr)
def outdim(self):
return wkt_writer_get_outdim(self.ptr)
def outdim(self, new_dim):
if new_dim not in (2, 3):
raise ValueError('WKT output dimension must be 2 or 3')
wkt_writer_set_outdim(self.ptr, new_dim)
def trim(self):
return self._trim
def trim(self, flag):
if bool(flag) != self._trim:
self._trim = bool(flag)
wkt_writer_set_trim(self.ptr, b'\x01' if flag else b'\x00')
def precision(self):
return self._precision
def precision(self, precision):
if (not isinstance(precision, int) or precision < 0) and precision is not None:
raise AttributeError('WKT output rounding precision must be non-negative integer or None.')
if precision != self._precision:
self._precision = precision
wkt_writer_set_precision(self.ptr, -1 if precision is None else precision)
[documentos]class WKBWriter(IOBase):
_constructor = wkb_writer_create
_destructor = wkb_writer_destroy
ptr_type = WKB_WRITE_PTR
def __init__(self, dim=2):
super(WKBWriter, self).__init__()
self.outdim = dim
[documentos] def write(self, geom):
"Returns the WKB representation of the given geometry."
return six.memoryview(wkb_writer_write(self.ptr, geom.ptr, byref(c_size_t())))
[documentos] def write_hex(self, geom):
"Returns the HEXEWKB representation of the given geometry."
return wkb_writer_write_hex(self.ptr, geom.ptr, byref(c_size_t()))
# ### WKBWriter Properties ###
# Property for getting/setting the byteorder.
def _get_byteorder(self):
return wkb_writer_get_byteorder(self.ptr)
def _set_byteorder(self, order):
if order not in (0, 1):
raise ValueError('Byte order parameter must be 0 (Big Endian) or 1 (Little Endian).')
wkb_writer_set_byteorder(self.ptr, order)
byteorder = property(_get_byteorder, _set_byteorder)
# Property for getting/setting the output dimension.
def outdim(self):
return wkb_writer_get_outdim(self.ptr)
def outdim(self, new_dim):
if new_dim not in (2, 3):
raise ValueError('WKB output dimension must be 2 or 3')
wkb_writer_set_outdim(self.ptr, new_dim)
# Property for getting/setting the include srid flag.
def srid(self):
return bool(ord(wkb_writer_get_include_srid(self.ptr)))
def srid(self, include):
if include:
flag = b'\x01'
flag = b'\x00'
wkb_writer_set_include_srid(self.ptr, flag)
# `ThreadLocalIO` object holds instances of the WKT and WKB reader/writer
# objects that are local to the thread. The `GEOSGeometry` internals
# access these instances by calling the module-level functions, defined
# below.
class ThreadLocalIO(threading.local):
wkt_r = None
wkt_w = None
wkb_r = None
wkb_w = None
ewkb_w = None
thread_context = ThreadLocalIO()
# These module-level routines return the I/O object that is local to the
# thread. If the I/O object does not exist yet it will be initialized.
def wkt_r():
if not thread_context.wkt_r:
thread_context.wkt_r = _WKTReader()
return thread_context.wkt_r
def wkt_w(dim=2, trim=False, precision=None):
if not thread_context.wkt_w:
thread_context.wkt_w = WKTWriter(dim=dim, trim=trim, precision=precision)
thread_context.wkt_w.outdim = dim
thread_context.wkt_w.trim = trim
thread_context.wkt_w.precision = precision
return thread_context.wkt_w
def wkb_r():
if not thread_context.wkb_r:
thread_context.wkb_r = _WKBReader()
return thread_context.wkb_r
def wkb_w(dim=2):
if not thread_context.wkb_w:
thread_context.wkb_w = WKBWriter(dim=dim)
thread_context.wkb_w.outdim = dim
return thread_context.wkb_w
def ewkb_w(dim=2):
if not thread_context.ewkb_w:
thread_context.ewkb_w = WKBWriter(dim=dim)
thread_context.ewkb_w.srid = True
thread_context.ewkb_w.outdim = dim
return thread_context.ewkb_w