Source code for django.contrib.postgres.indexes

from django.db.models import Index

__all__ = ['BrinIndex', 'GinIndex', 'GistIndex']

class MaxLengthMixin:
    # Allow an index name longer than 30 characters since the suffix is 4
    # characters (usual limit is 3). Since this index can only be used on
    # PostgreSQL, the 30 character limit for cross-database compatibility isn't
    # applicable.
    max_name_length = 31

[문서]class BrinIndex(MaxLengthMixin, Index): suffix = 'brin' def __init__(self, *, pages_per_range=None, **kwargs): if pages_per_range is not None and pages_per_range <= 0: raise ValueError('pages_per_range must be None or a positive integer') self.pages_per_range = pages_per_range super().__init__(**kwargs) def deconstruct(self): path, args, kwargs = super().deconstruct() if self.pages_per_range is not None: kwargs['pages_per_range'] = self.pages_per_range return path, args, kwargs def create_sql(self, model, schema_editor, using=''): statement = super().create_sql(model, schema_editor, using=' USING brin') if self.pages_per_range is not None:['extra'] = ' WITH (pages_per_range={})'.format( schema_editor.quote_value(self.pages_per_range) ) +['extra'] return statement
[문서]class GinIndex(Index): suffix = 'gin' def __init__(self, *, fastupdate=None, gin_pending_list_limit=None, **kwargs): self.fastupdate = fastupdate self.gin_pending_list_limit = gin_pending_list_limit super().__init__(**kwargs) def deconstruct(self): path, args, kwargs = super().deconstruct() if self.fastupdate is not None: kwargs['fastupdate'] = self.fastupdate if self.gin_pending_list_limit is not None: kwargs['gin_pending_list_limit'] = self.gin_pending_list_limit return path, args, kwargs def create_sql(self, model, schema_editor, using=''): statement = super().create_sql(model, schema_editor, using=' USING gin') with_params = [] if self.gin_pending_list_limit is not None: with_params.append('gin_pending_list_limit = %d' % self.gin_pending_list_limit) if self.fastupdate is not None: with_params.append('fastupdate = {}'.format('on' if self.fastupdate else 'off')) if with_params:['extra'] = 'WITH ({}) {}'.format(', '.join(with_params),['extra']) return statement
[문서]class GistIndex(MaxLengthMixin, Index): suffix = 'gist' def __init__(self, *, buffering=None, fillfactor=None, **kwargs): self.buffering = buffering self.fillfactor = fillfactor super().__init__(**kwargs) def deconstruct(self): path, args, kwargs = super().deconstruct() if self.buffering is not None: kwargs['buffering'] = self.buffering if self.fillfactor is not None: kwargs['fillfactor'] = self.fillfactor return path, args, kwargs def create_sql(self, model, schema_editor): statement = super().create_sql(model, schema_editor, using=' USING gist') with_params = [] if self.buffering is not None: with_params.append('buffering = {}'.format('on' if self.buffering else 'off')) if self.fillfactor is not None: with_params.append('fillfactor = %s' % self.fillfactor) if with_params:['extra'] = 'WITH ({}) {}'.format(', '.join(with_params),['extra']) return statement
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